
Armageddon是一地球灾难电影,但导演的拍摄手法超赞,这部电影不只诉说男女之间的爱情,更把父女的感情刻画得非常深刻。尤其最后一幕, 当女主角的父亲为了救全地球的人类,决定牺牲自己和女儿道别的那一幕,更是感动人心。。。。。。

主演:Bruce Willis, Ben Affleck, Liy Tyler

故事大纲:It is just another day at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), a few astronauts were repairing a satellite until, out of nowhere, a series of asteroids came crashing into the shuttle, destroying it. These asteroids also decimated New York soon thereafter. Then, NASA discovered that there is an asteroid roughly the size of Texas heading towards the Earth, and when it does hit the Earth, the planet itself and all of its inhabitants will be obliterated, worse, the asteroid will hit the Earth in 18 days. Unfortunately, NASA's plans to destroy the asteroid are irrelevant. That is when the U.S. military decides to use a nuclear warhead to blow the asteroid to pieces. Then, scientists decide to blow the asteroid with the warhead inside the asteroid itself. The only man to do it, is an oil driller named Harry Stamper and his group of misfit drillers and geologists. As he and his drill team prepare for space excavation, the asteroid is still heading towards the Earth. When the crew are launched into outer space, they are determined to destroy this asteroid. Written by John Wiggins

Harry原本只是个普通的采油工头,一直希望他的女儿Grace可以和他匹配的男人结婚。可惜,他的女儿却偏偏地爱上了他的手下AJ.NASA总部发现将会有一颗大陨石撞向地球,人类的末日就快要来临了。NASA唯有向Harry求救,因为他们决定由拥有采油经验的他们,降落在那个陨石上置放炸弹。Harry为了救地球人类,带领了他的手下,包括他女儿的情人AJ. 临走时,Grace交待父亲和她男友一定要平安回来。结果,AJ被选中独自留下置放炸弹,结果将会必死无疑。最后,Harry为了女儿的幸福,决定牺牲自己。。。。。。。

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